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What is TLA+?

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    David Jimenez

TLA+ is a specification language that can used to model software. Importantly, TLA+ comes with a set of tools to test those models.

Though TLA+ is based on math and logic, the specifications written with it are not proofs. Instead, the specifications serve as testable blue prints.

If you are coding in a language like Python or Java, what advantage is there to writing a TLA+ specification? After all, even if the model is perfect, there is a chance that you can introduce bugs when performing the translation from TLA+ to your programming language of choice.

The advantage comes in that TLA+ forces you to clearly specify what you are trying to accomplish. Then, when checking your models, you may realize that you were not thinking of certain edge cases. Or perhaps you come to find out that you were making assumptions that are not valid.

To make the case for TLA+, I plan to write a series of post describing the key elements of the language as I develop a simple specification for a traffic light.